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fragment 1


Pigres—A Karian of Halikarnassos and brother of Artemisia, wife of Mausolus, who distinguished herself in war [...] He also wrote the Margites attributed to Homer and the Battle of the Frogs and Mice.

fragment 2

Atilius Fortunatianus, p. 286, Keil.

"There came to Kolophon an old man and divine singer, a servant of the Muses and of far-shooting Apollon. In his dear hands he held a sweet-toned lyre."

fragment 3

Plato, Alcib. ii. p. 147 A

"He knew many things but knew all badly ..."

Aristotle, Nic. Eth. vi. 7, 1141

"The gods had taught him neither to dig nor to plow, nor any other skill; he failed in every craft."

fragment 4

Schol. on Aeschines in Ctes., sec. 160

He refers to Margites, a man who, though well grown up, did not know whether it was his father or his mother who gave him birth, and would not lie with his wife, saying that he was afraid she might give a bad account of him to her mother.

fragment 5

Zenobius, v. 68

"The fox knows many a wile; but the hedge-hog's one trick can beat them all."

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