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A city on the Peloponnesian Peninsula.


 Amyklai is an ancient city in Lakonia (Laconia) slightly southeast of Sparta on the eastern banks of the Eurotas River.

 Amyklai was founded by Amyklas (Amyclas) and renowned as a city of fierce independence; when the Dorians invaded Greece in the twelfth century BCE, the citizens of Amyklai remained aloof to their influence and even after the Dorians had taken control of the city, the native inhabitants continued to maintain their customs and traditions.

 During the Trojan War, Menelaos, co-commander of the Akhaian army, mustered soldiers from Amyklai, Augeiai, Bryseiai, Helos, Laas, Messe, Oitylos, Pharis, and Sparta.

 The name, Amyklai, may also be rendered as Amyklae or Amyclae.

Homer, Iliad book 2, line 584
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