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A city near the Hellespont.1

 During the Trojan War, Asios commanded an undisclosed number of Trojan allies from Arisbe, Abydos, Perkote, Praktion, Sestos, and the vicinity of the Selleeis River.

 Axylos, a wealthy man from Arisbe, met his doom on the battlefield at the hands of the Akhaian commander, Diomedes. Trojan King Priamos's son Lykaon passed through Arisbe after being captured and sold into slavery by Akhilleus (Achilles).

1. Hellespont (Helle's Sea)—the Greek name for the narrow channel separating Asia from Europe, now known as the Dardanelles.

Homer, Iliad book 2, lines 836, 838; book 6, line 13; book 12, line 96; book 21, line 43
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