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A city in Phokis.


 To quote Pausanias: "About twenty-seven stades distant from Panopeus is Daulis. The men there are few in number, but for size and strength no Phokians (Phocians) are more renowned even to this day. They say that the name of the city is derived from Daulis, a Nymph, the daughter of the Kephisos (Cephisus). Others say that the place, on which the city was built, was wooded, and that such shaggy places (dasea) were called daula by the ancients."

 During the Trojan War, Skhedios and Epistrophos commanded the Akhaian soldiers from Phokis including the cities of Daulis, Anemoreia, Hyampolis, Krisa, Kyparissos, Lilaia, Panopeus, Pytho, and the vicinity of the Kephisos River.

Pausanias, Description of Greece book 10.4.7
Homer, Iliad book 2, line 520
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